Meet the Farmers

Cody Jurbala and Melissa Ogilvie are the owners and operators of Speedwell Farm & Gardens. Cody and Melissa began Speedwell in 2017 by converting leased back yards in Boulder, Colorado into micro-farm plots. Due to the difficulties of land access for young farmers, leasing back yard space was the only to way begin farming without immense monetary input in their initial years. Since then, they have grown their business to a 1.25 acre farm located at the Treehouse Farm Collective just north of Boulder. Together they manage every aspect of the farm. From planting and harvesting, to marketing and sales, they do it all. They are passionate about providing food to their community in ways that are less damaging to the environment than large-scale mainstream agriculture, and creating community resilience through connecting people to where their food comes from.

Mission Statement

“Our mission is to be an act of healing and to create community resilience. We intend to improve the well-being of our community and our environment through the use of regenerative farming practices. We believe that soil health is the foundation for human health, and therefore we strive to enhance the health of our soil by using methods such as crop rotation, mulching, limited tilling, composting, and cover cropping. We are committed to farming with minimal dependence on fossil fuels and heavy machinery. We never use pesticides, herbicides, or harmful chemicals of any kind. We are always learning and looking for new ways to become more efficient in our farming practices, and in the ways we nourish our community.”